Aqua Wall (Jounieh – North of Beirut)
This wall having its base at 60 its head at 5 and spanning over 500. The Aqua wall feels like its holding up the shoreline. It has 2 caves and many protruding boulders add to the exotic nature of this beast. This wall is buzzing with an array of fish and other wildlife that use its awesome might for protection these include: Jewfish, Cornet Fish and Octopus to name but a few.

Jounieh is a coastal city about 16 km north of Beirut, Bay of Jounieh is considered to be the most beautiful bay in Lebanon.
In addition to its beautiful bay, it has seaside resorts, as well as its old stone souk, ferry port, and cablecar (le téléphérique), which takes passengers up the mountain to the shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon in Harissa. Moreover, you can enjoy scuba diving at Jounieh’s water to see the wonderful Aqua Wall.
Halat Mushroom (Jbeil – North of Beirut)
One of the most beautiful natural dive sites in the Halat area. A huge Mushroom shaped big rock is flanked by a reef that seemingly extends for ever in both directions. The mushroom partly surrounded by a beautiful rocky reef, full of corrals and some small gorgons. A small tunnel separates the mushroom from the reef. You will firstly reach the upper part of the mushroom at 35 meters depth, then you could go down along his trunk. until the 45 meters depth. Marine life is abundant. You encounter small fishes, groupers, moray eels, shellfish, jellyfishes, octopuses, and lobsters.
Beside this Mushroom shaped boulder, there’s a newly built dive site “Halat Reef”, on a Rocky reef nearby Halat and on a depth not exceeding the 32 meters, several Saint Statues have been deployed in 2009 in order to create a Saints City, a very attractive location for advanced divers and lately lots of marine life can be seen on that location.

Location: This site is located near of the city of Halat, at 20 km north of Beirut.
Depth: Between 35 and 45 meters
Divers Level: good diving experience; levels starting “Advanced Open Water” divers.
Currents: Weak on this spot. You could enter a cold thermocline at 40 meters depth.
Additional Equipment: Underwater light, small caves and small holes are abundant on the mushroom and the nearby reef.